The Cadet Orchestra
What is the Cadet Orchestra?
The Lima Area Cadet Orchestra is an extension of the Lima Area Youth Orchestra. It is a performance ensemble for younger players, with between 1 and 4 years of playing experience under their belts. The Cadet Orchestra is designed as a less intense learning environment for students to grow and foster their love and abilities for orchestral playing. The students will follow the LAYO rehearsal schedule starting in January. Our goal will be to have one or two performances per year: Christmas and a Spring Finale. The goal of students in the Cadet Orchestra is to move to LAYO in 2-3 years time, depending on the student, of course.
Who should be in the Cadet Orchestra?
The Cadet Orchestra should be made up of string players with between 1 and 4 years of experience. Age isn't so much of a factor for many string players, but the age range would probably be between 8 and 14 years old, which is quite a gap! Students should be able to read and play at least a D Major scale, and should be at least somewhat proficient on all 4 strings of their instruments. Ability to play in positions, such as second or third, is not required!
What kind of music does the Cadet Orchestra play?
Our Cadets will be playing multiple different styles of music ranging from classical to bluegrass/fiddle to modern string orchestra music. Students here might be seeking a challenge from their school orchestra, but not with the intensity of LAYO. For those out there that might be teachers, the Cadet Orchestra will be playing music ranging from a grade .5 to a grade 1.5. Again, with so many different styles and genres that are available to us, it's hard to pin down just one, so we'll be playing many different styles of music.
When does the Cadet Orchestra meet?
The Cadet Orchestra will begin in January, and will follow the LAYO schedule, which might not be every week. We will be meeting on Sundays at Lima Senior High School in the band room. Rehearsals will be from 2-2:45 PM, which is right before LAYO.
How much does this cost?
Like LAYO, the Cadet Orchestra will be free of charge to all participants. However, performers will need a LAYO shirt, which costs less than $20 (and, it usually doesn't change styles, so it may last multiple years!). Additionally, parents and audience members may want to buy a ticket to the concerts, which is with LAYO.
How do I get my child into the Cadet Orchestra?
Students who are interested in the inaugural season of the Cadet Orchestra will need to fill out the application form, which is located just below this. Additionally, students will need to submit a video or audio recording of an audition piece. Don't freak out! The audition is just to place students near other students of like abilities. This group is designed so that students learn the "ins and outs" of orchestra playing, and submitting an audition is definitely a part of that. However, if a student seems unable to fulfill the requirements under the "Who should be in the Cadet Orchestra" section, it might not be such a great fit.
This sounds OK, but I have more questions?
Sure! Down below is the "Contact Us" button. Or, you could go to the "Contact" page at the top. Send us an email, we'll do our best to get back with you as soon as we can. When dealing with your child's future, there are no stupid questions. The Lima Area Youth Orchestra is committed to make sure that all students are placed in a good and positive environment where they can grow musically, be fostered intellectually, think artistically, stabilize themselves emotionally, and still have a good time doing it.